RackID on the Road: The Warehouse-ID Check Tour

Jun 26, 2024 | EN, EN | 0 comments

RackID on the Road: The Warehouse-ID Check Tour in Europe

Our RackID Europe team, accompanied by our CEO Peter Stuckenschmidt, has been busy over the last months traveling across Europe. Our mission? To help clients improve their warehouse operations efficiency by checking their current identification setups. Our travels took us through Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Spain, Portugal, and plenty of other fantastic places. Here are some of the highlights and key takeaways from our journey of warehouse-ID checks in many locations. 

Efficiency Opportunities Everywhere 

One thing that stood out, as noted by Thomas Kolde, Europe Manager: “Every warehouse we visit – small, medium, or large – we always discover something that could be more efficient. It’s amazing how even the best-run warehouses have room for improvement.” There were always opportunities to boost efficiency, from optimizing signage and label types to improving identification locations. Each warehouse had unique challenges, making our job interesting and rewarding. 

The Need for Quality Floor Identification

We were surprised by how many clients needed better-quality floor identification. Proper floor identification is crucial for smooth operations, but it’s often overlooked. By improving the material quality, the layout, and even the colouring, we’ve helped many warehouses enhance picking efficiency, streamline navigation, and boost overall productivity. It’s been exciting to hear about some positive results from clients we visited in Germany and Austria, with more to come. 

Tailored Solutions Make a Difference

No two warehouses are the same, and that’s why a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. We made sure to tailor our solutions based on each warehouse’s specific needs and operational dynamics.

For example, a producer of frozen foods with cold-storage facilities in the Netherlands needed innovative and robust freezer-grade labels from us, which we call “Gecko”. These labels even have a non-chemical adhesive, making them more sustainable and easier to remove/reposition if needed.

Additionally, an automotive supplier in Bavaria required the practicality of magnetic labels for the continuously changing components stored in their warehouse. Different clients, with different needs… but whether it was implementing more durable and visible labels or designing comprehensive signage systems, our goal was to create practical and effective identification solutions that delivered real results.  

Did we miss a stop on our tour? Curious what potential lies in your warehouse, but not sure where to begin? Let’s discuss your warehouse operations and potential for efficiency as part of our next warehouse-ID check!

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